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Review 1: "Differences in HIV-1 Reservoir Size, Landscape Characteristics and Decay Dynamics in Acute and Chronic Treated HIV-1 Clade C Infection"

Reviewers praised the innovative techniques and writing, highlighting the study's novel approach of combining early ART treatment with clade B and C infections. Concerns were raised about limited provirus sampling, technical issues with PCR assay, and robustness of conclusions.

Published onAug 03, 2024
Review 1: "Differences in HIV-1 Reservoir Size, Landscape Characteristics and Decay Dynamics in Acute and Chronic Treated HIV-1 Clade C Infection"
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Differences in HIV-1 reservoir size, landscape characteristics and decay dynamics in acute and chronic treated HIV-1 Clade C infection
Differences in HIV-1 reservoir size, landscape characteristics and decay dynamics in acute and chronic treated HIV-1 Clade C infection

Abstract Background Persisting HIV reservoir viruses in resting CD4 T cells and other cellular subsets are the main barrier to cure efforts. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) intensification by early initiation has been shown to enable post-treatment viral control in some cases but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We hypothesized that ART initiated during the hyperacute phase of infection before peak will affect the size, decay dynamics and landscape characteristics of HIV-1 subtype C viral reservoirs.Methods We studied 35 women at high risk of infection from Durban, South Africa identified with hyperacute HIV infection by twice weekly testing for plasma HIV-1 RNA. Study participants included 11 who started ART at a median of 456 (297-1203) days post onset of viremia (DPOV), and 24 who started ART at a median of 1 (1-3) DPOV. We used peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to measure total HIV-1 DNA by ddPCR and to sequence reservoir viral genomes by full length individual proviral sequencing (FLIP-seq) from onset of detection of HIV up to 1 year post treatment initiation.Results Whereas ART in hyperacute infection blunted peak viremia compared to untreated individuals (p<0.0001), there was no difference in total HIV-1 DNA measured contemporaneously (p=0.104). There was a steady decline of total HIV DNA in early treated persons over 1 year of ART (p=0.0004), with no significant change observed in the late treated group. Total HIV-1 DNA after one year of treatment was lower in the early treated compared to the late treated group (p=0.02). Generation of 697 single viral genome sequences revealed a difference in the longitudinal proviral genetic landscape over one year between untreated, late treated and early treated infection: the relative contribution of intact genomes to the total pool of HIV-1 DNA after 1 year was higher in untreated infection (31%) compared to late treated (14%) and early treated infection (0%). Treatment initiated in both late and early infection resulted in a more rapid decay of intact (13% and 51% per month) versus defective (2% and 35% per month) viral genomes. However, intact genomes were still observed one year post chronic treatment initiation in contrast to early treatment where intact genomes were no longer detectable. Moreover, early ART reduced phylogenetic diversity of intact genomes and limited the seeding and persistence of cytotoxic T lymphocyte immune escape variants in the reservoir.Conclusions Overall, our results show that whereas ART initiated in hyperacute HIV-1 subtype C infection did not impact reservoir seeding, it was nevertheless associated with more rapid decay of intact viral genomes, decreased genetic complexity and immune escape in reservoirs, which could accelerate reservoir clearance when combined with other interventional strategies.

RR:C19 Evidence Scale rating by reviewer:

  • Strong. The main study claims are very well-justified by the data and analytic methods used. There is little room for doubt that the study produced has very similar results and conclusions as compared with the hypothetical ideal study. The study’s main claims should be considered conclusive and actionable without reservation.


Review: The Lichterfeld/Yu lab has developed innovative techniques to characterize the sequences and integration sites of the latent HIV reservoir, investigating subjects with clade B infections. The Durban group has generated a cohort of young women who initiated ART during the “hyperacute” phase of clade C infection. This manuscript combines these 2 distinctive approaches. The authors show that early treatment leads to a more substantial decay of the latent reservoir than initiating treatment later. This reduction importantly, and perhaps not surprisingly, represents intact more than defective proviruses. The innovative methods, the unique study population, and the results make for a very interesting study. The paper is clear and well-written, and uncharacteristically, this reviewer could not find much to suggest to the authors. 

Just a few comments:

  1. The punctuation around “however” in line 130 is missing, and this reviewer would have been a bit more generous with commas in the longer compound sentences.

  2. Suggest acutely treated and chronically treated rather than acute treated and chronical treated.

  3. A sentence might be added in the discussion to more clearly acknowledge the limited number of sequences in the acutely treated subjects due to the low proviral load, thus limiting the conclusion that no replication competent proviruses were detected.

  4. Perhaps a mention should be made about next steps with these subjects, regarding an ATI vs saving them for an interventional study. Of note Persaud et al at CROI this year described interesting results in “hyperacutely” treated neonates who underwent ATI.

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