Background: Limited evidence exists on the role of glucose-lowering drugs in patients with COVID-19. This work examines the impact of each at-home glucose-lower
Reviewers: Susanna Hofmann (Helmholtz Diabetes Center) | 📗📗📗📗◻️ • L Marie (Albert Einstein Medical Center) | 📒📒📒◻️◻️
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Summary of Reviews: Glucose-lowering medications have a neutral effect on mortality and adverse outcomes in those with Type 2 Diabetes hospitalized. While this study is strong, drugs used during the hospital stay were not noted, making these conclusions hard to generalize.
Reviewer 1 (Susanna Hofmann) | 📗📗📗📗◻️
Reviewer 2 (Tamaryn Fox) | 📒📒📒 ◻️◻️
RR:C19 Strength of Evidence Scale Key 📕 ◻️◻️◻️◻️ = Misleading 📙📙 ◻️◻️◻️ = Not Informative 📒📒📒 ◻️◻️ = Potentially Informative 📗📗📗📗◻️ = Reliable 📘📘📘📘📘 = Strong |
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