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Reviews of "Possible Roles of Phytochemicals with Bioactive Properties in the Prevention of and Recovery from COVID-19"

Reviewers: H Si (Tennessee State University) | 📘📘📘📘📘 • H Hemila (University of Helsinki) | 📕 ◻️◻️◻️◻️

Published onAug 30, 2024
Reviews of "Possible Roles of Phytochemicals with Bioactive Properties in the Prevention of and Recovery from COVID-19"
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Possible roles of phytochemicals with bioactive properties in the prevention of and recovery from COVID-19
Possible roles of phytochemicals with bioactive properties in the prevention of and recovery from COVID-19

Abstract Purpose There have been large geographical differences in the infection and death rates of COVID-19. Foods and beverages containing high amounts of phytochemicals with bioactive properties were suggested to prevent contracting, to limit the severity of, and to facilitate recovery from COVID-19. The goal of our study was to determine the correlation of the type of foods/beverages people consumed and the risk reduction of contracting COVID-19 and the recovery from COVID-19.Methods We developed an online survey that asked the participants whether they contracted COVID-19, their symptoms, time to recover, and their frequency of eating various types of foods/beverages. The survey was first developed in English and then translated into 10 different languages.Results The participants who did not contract COVID-19 consumed vegetables, herbs/spices, and fermented foods/beverages significantly more than the participants who contracted COVID-19 and those who were not tested but became sick most likely from COVID-19. The geographic location of participants corresponded with the language of the survey, except for the English version, thus, nine out of the 10 language versions represented a country. Among the six countries (India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Russia, Spain) with over one hundred participants, we found that in India and Japan the people who contracted COVID-19 showed significantly shorter recovery time, and greater daily intake of vegetables, herbs/spices, and fermented foods/beverages was associated with faster recovery.Conclusion Our results suggest that phytochemical compounds included in the vegetables may have contributed in not only preventing contraction of COVID-19, but also accelerating their recovery. (249 words; EJN limit is 250 words)

To read the original manuscript, click the link above.

Summary of Reviews: This preprint examines whether the consumption of vegetables with certain phytochemicals with bioactive properties is associated with reduced COVID-19 rates. Reviewers were divided on the reliability of this preprint with one reviewer rating it as strong (despite raising significant concerns) and the other expressing more detailed concerns about confounding and systematic bias in the design and analysis of the study.

Reviewer 1 (Hongwei S…) | 📘📘📘📘📘

Reviewer 2 (Harri H…) | 📕 ◻️◻️◻️◻️

RR:C19 Strength of Evidence Scale Key

📕 ◻️◻️◻️◻️ = Misleading

📙📙 ◻️◻️◻️ = Not Informative

📒📒📒 ◻️◻️ = Potentially Informative

📗📗📗📗◻️ = Reliable

📘📘📘📘📘 = Strong

To read the reviews, click the links below. 

Prateek Karnadhar:

Please consider posting your study on to enhance its visibility. Your research on phytochemicals and COVID-19 would benefit from reaching a broader audience.

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