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Reviews of "Effect of a Widespread Reduction in Treatment Duration for Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis on Outcomes and Household Transmission"

Reviewers: M Marks (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) | 📒📒📒 ◻️◻️ • R Hamdy (Children's National Research Institute) | 📒📒📒◻️◻️

Published onDec 19, 2024
Reviews of "Effect of a Widespread Reduction in Treatment Duration for Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis on Outcomes and Household Transmission"
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Effect of a widespread reduction in treatment duration for group A streptococcal pharyngitis on outcomes and household transmission
Effect of a widespread reduction in treatment duration for group A streptococcal pharyngitis on outcomes and household transmission

Abstract Background the optimal treatment duration for group A streptococcal pharyngitis (GAS-P) is debated. Shorter courses appear inferior for pharyngeal GAS eradication, however the effect of this on household transmission is uncertain. In 2022 a laboratory reporting change drove reduced treatment durations for GAS-P in our region. This study sought to assess the effect of this on outcomes.Methods positive throat swab cultures (TSC) for GAS from two years pre-change until 21 months post-change were matched to antibiotic dispensing data. Logistic models were fitted to examine associations between treatment duration and 30-day repeat antibiotic treatment, repeat GAS-positive TSC, and hospitalisation with complications; 90-day incidence of rheumatic fever; 30-day incident household GAS-P cases.Results 865 patients pre-change and 1604 post-change were included. Pre-change 32.8% received ≤7 days treatment, versus 60.0% post-change (p<0.01). There were no significant differences across any outcome measure at a population level between periods. When the post-change period was examined specifically, no significant differences occurred for any outcome measure for patients receiving five- or seven-days of antibiotics versus ten-days. Patients receiving no antibiotics also had similar outcomes, except for significantly higher odds of 30-day household cases (aOR 2.93, 95%-CI 1.44-5.96, p<0.01).Conclusions shorter treatment durations driven by a change in laboratory reporting resulted in no detectable change in GAS-P outcomes, except for more common household transmission in those receiving no treatment.

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Summary of Reviews: This preprint is an observational study that evaluated the impact of a regional reduction in antibiotic treatment duration in New Zealand for group A streptococcal pharyngitis (GAS-P) on clinical and household transmission outcomes. Using data from throat swabs and antibiotic prescriptions before and after a laboratory reporting change, researchers found no significant differences in treatment failure, severe clinical outcomes (e.g. hospitalizations and rheumatic fever), and most importantly, in household transmissions between groups that received standard 10 day treatment vs. shortened 5-7 day treatment. Peer reviewers highlighted methodological concerns, including overfitting of logistic models, reliance on non-randomized data, and the absence of a power calculation. They also suggested reframing the study as a quality improvement initiative focused on antibiotic duration, with clinical outcomes as balancing measures and called for an interrupted time series analysis to address temporal confounders.

Reviewer 1 (Michael M…) | 📒📒📒 ◻️◻️

Reviewer 2 (Rana H…) | 📒📒📒 ◻️◻️

RR\ID Strength of Evidence Scale Key

📕 ◻️◻️◻️◻️ = Misleading

📙📙 ◻️◻️◻️ = Not Informative

📒📒📒 ◻️◻️ = Potentially Informative

📗📗📗📗◻️ = Reliable

📘📘📘📘📘 = Strong

To read the reviews, click the links below. 

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