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Review 2: "The Plasmodium Transmission-Blocking Symbiont, Microsporidia MB, is Vertically 1 Transmitted through Anopheles Arabiensis Germline Stem Cells"

The reviewers found the study reliable to strong, highlighting the thorough characterization of the Microsporidia MB transmission cycle.

Published onAug 06, 2024
Review 2: "The Plasmodium Transmission-Blocking Symbiont, Microsporidia MB, is Vertically 1 Transmitted through Anopheles Arabiensis Germline Stem Cells"
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The Plasmodium transmission-blocking symbiont, Microsporidia MB, is vertically transmitted through Anopheles arabiensis germline stem cells
The Plasmodium transmission-blocking symbiont, Microsporidia MB, is vertically transmitted through Anopheles arabiensis germline stem cells

Abstract Microsporidia MB is a promising candidate for developing a symbiont-based strategy for malaria control because it disrupts the capacity of An. arabiensis to transmit the Plasmodium parasite. The symbiont is predominantly localized in the reproductive organs and is transmitted vertically from mother to offspring and horizontally (sexually) during mating. Due to the contribution of both transmission routes, Microsporidia MB has the potential to spread through target vector populations and become established at high prevalence. Stable and efficient vertical transmission of Microsporidia MB is important for its sustainable use for malaria control, however, the vertical transmission efficiency of Microsporidia MB can vary. In this study, we investigate the mechanistic basis of Microsporidia MB vertical transmission in An. arabiensis. We show that vertical transmission occurs through the acquisition of Microsporidia MB by Anopheles cystocyte progenitors following the division of germline stem cells. We also show that Microsporidia MB replicates to increase infection intensity in the oocyte of developing eggs when mosquitoes are given a blood meal suggesting that symbiont proliferation in the ovary is coordinated with egg development. The rate of Microsporidia MB transmission to developing eggs is on average higher than the recorded (mother to adult offspring) vertical transmission rate. This likely indicates that a significant proportion of An. arabiensis offspring lose their Microsporidia MB symbionts during development. The stability of germline stem cell infections, coordination of symbiont proliferation, and very high rate of transmission from germline stem cells to developing eggs indicate that Microsporidia MB has a highly specialized vertical transmission strategy in An. arabiensis, which may explain host specificity.Author Summary Mosquito vectors of diseases are associated with a broad range of microbes. Some of the microbes significantly affect vector biology including pathogen transmission efficiency. Anopheles mosquitoes, which transmit the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, harbor a native microbe known as Microsporidia MB. This microbe interferes with the formation of transmissible stages of the parasite that are transferred to humans by female mosquitoes when taking a blood meal. This phenotype can be exploited to develop a novel strategy for controlling malaria similar to the control of dengue fever using Aedes mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia bacteria. Mother-to-offspring transmission of protective microbes is important in sustainable application of microbe-based technologies to control vector-borne diseases because it ensures maintenance of the microbe in target vector populations across many generations. Here, we investigated stability of Microsporidia MB infections and efficiency of mother-to-offspring transmission during early stages of egg formation and development. We found that this microbe has a specialized transmission mechanism that involves infecting the germline cells that are important in egg production. We also demonstrated a very high transmission rate (97%) of the Microsporidia MB from infected germline cells into daughter cells during cell division. As the germline daughter cells developed into eggs, Microsporidia MB established itself in the egg yolk through active replication which only occured after the female mosquitoes had a blood meal. Our study gives insights into an efficient mother-to-offspring transmission route of Microsporidia MB that can be utilized sustainably in microbe-based intervention to control malaria.

RR:C19 Evidence Scale rating by reviewer:

  • Reliable. The main study claims are generally justified by its methods and data. The results and conclusions are likely to be similar to the hypothetical ideal study. There are some minor caveats or limitations, but they would/do not change the major claims of the study. The study provides sufficient strength of evidence on its own that its main claims should be considered actionable, with some room for future revision.


Review: In their manuscript "The Plasmodium transmission-blocking symbiont, Microsporidia MB, is vertically transmitted through Anopheles arabiensis germline stem cells", Onchuru et al. claim that (1) Microsporidia MB is vertically transmitted via the germarium, (2) the microsporidia goes from being distributed throughout the primary follicle early in egg development to primarily in the oocyte later in eg development, (3) the microsporidia exist at different sizes and undergo proliferation in the ovariole, and (4) microsporidia is lost during pre-imaginal stages of development in ~1/3 of offspring. 

The authors' claims are generally supported, however there are some uncertainties that must be addressed.

For claim 1, this reviewer agrees that the microsporidia is clearly in the germarium, however, do not share the authors' confidence in identification of the GSC and cystocyte nuclei in Figure 1D, especially given the lack of Click-IT edu staining in Figue 1D. Given that the authors used this stain to identify the cystocytes in Fgure 1C, why was it not included in Figure 1D? How did the authors confidently identify the GSCs, cystocytes, and boundary of the secondary follicle in Figure 1D, E, F? 

For claim 2, this reviewer agrees that the microsporidia are distributed throughout the primary follicle then later aggregated in the oocyte. However, staining for the microsporidia in the mature egg appears very faint to me (especially compared to staining in earlier stages). Are the authors confident they can rule out autofluoresence in Figure 2A Stage VII? It would be helpful to know what an uninfected control looks like compared to the potentially infected eggs at this mature oocyte stage to rule out the possibility of autofluorescence being mistaken for true signal. This is because it seems possible given these images that the microsporidia are being lost during the transition from Stage VI to Stage VII rather than during later development.

For claim 3, this reviewer agrees that the data support this claim.

For claim 4, the data generally support this claim. However, if the authors cannot provide additional support to their claim that microsporidia are found in high prevalene in Stage VII eggs, then they can’t conclusively state the microsporidia are lost during pre-imaginal stages of development. It seems equally plausible in this case that the microsporidia are lost during the final stage of egg maturation. 

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