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Review 1: "Mapping and Sequencing of Cases from an Ongoing Outbreak of Clade Ib Monkeypox Virus in South Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo between September 2023 to June 2024"

While the reviewers acknowledge the timely data on the novel Clade Ib and the insights on genomic and clinical data, especially those related to pregnant women, they suggest providing more details on cluster sizes, clinical characteristics, and transmission networks.

Published onOct 19, 2024
Review 1: "Mapping and Sequencing of Cases from an Ongoing Outbreak of Clade Ib Monkeypox Virus in South Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo between September 2023 to June 2024"
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Mapping and sequencing of cases from an ongoing outbreak of Clade Ib monkeypox virus in South Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo between September 2023 to June 2024
Mapping and sequencing of cases from an ongoing outbreak of Clade Ib monkeypox virus in South Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo between September 2023 to June 2024

Background In September 2023, an mpox outbreak was reported in the eastern part, South Kivu Province, of Democratic Republic of the Congo. This outbreak is still ongoing and expanding to other regions and countries. Here, we describe the epidemiological and genomic evolution of the outbreak from September 2023 to June 2024. Methods Consenting patients with mpox-like symptoms admitted to the Kamituga and the Kamanyola hospitals were recruited to the study. Samples from throat, lesions, breast milk and placenta were collected for PCR testing and sequencing. For the patients from Kamituga hospital, data on place of residence and possible exposures were collected by interviews. The location and numbers of employees were collected for all bars with sex workers. Where possible, exposures were linked to the genomic sequencing data for cluster analysis. Findings In total, 670 (suspected) mpox cases were admitted to the Kamituga hospital. There were slightly more female than male cases (351/670 [52,4%] versus 319/670, [47,6%], and cases were reported from 17 different health areas. The majority of cases were reported in Mero (205/670 [30,6%]), followed by Kimbangu (115/670 [17,2%]), Kabukungu (105/670 [16,7%]), and Asuku (73/670 [10.9%]). During this period, 7 deaths occurred and 8 out of 14 women who were pregnant had fetal loss. Three healthcare workers acquired mpox infection when caring for patients. In depth case ascertainment showed that 83,4% of patients reported recent visits to bars for (professional) sexual interactions as a likely source of infection. Whole genome sequencing resulted in the generation of 58 genome sequences. Three main clusters characterized by specific mutations were identified and several miniclusters of 2 or more sequences with over two shared mutations. No clear link between sequence cluster, bar or health area was observed. The more recent sequences from Kamanyola were related to the sequences in Kamituga and confirmed to be Clade Ib. However, relatively long branches were observed and one of the sequences clustered with publicly released sequences from travelers in Kenya, Uganda, Sweden and Thailand, indicating more undocumented ongoing spread for cluster A than for the other clusters. Most observed mutations were APOBEC-3 related mutations indicative of ongoing human-to-human transmission. Interpretation These data suggests that the rapid transmission of monkeypox virus until June 2024 was mostly related to interactions with professional sex workers (PSW) within densely populated health areas. The expanding number of cases and the recent expansion to 29 other nearby health zones of South -Kivu as well as Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Kenya stresses the need for cross border surveillance and collaboration. Urgent enhanced response action is needed, including case finding, diagnostic capacity building, health education programmes focussing on sex workers, and possibly vaccination to limit further escalation and stop this outbreak.

RR\ID Evidence Scale rating by reviewer:

  • Reliable. The main study claims are generally justified by its methods and data. The results and conclusions are likely to be similar to the hypothetical ideal study. There are some minor caveats or limitations, but they would/do not change the major claims of the study. The study provides sufficient strength of evidence on its own that its main claims should be considered actionable, with some room for future revision.


Review: The authors collected data of 670 (suspected) mpox cases that were admitted to the Kamituga hospital during the period from September 2023 to June 2024, such as demography, geolocation and exposure history. Using sequencing data they identified potential transmission clusters and epidemiological characters. Their analyses show that the outbreak appears to be driven by sexual activity with professional sex workers linked to bars which further confirmed the model of heterosexual transmission for clade Ib mpox.

The novel clade Ib presents a threat to the world as WHO recently declared a public health emergence of international concern. This study provided the timely data about the epidemiological characters of the novel sub-clade and brought helpful information for us to understand its mode of transmission. In contrast to clade IIb that circulated among GBMSM during 2022 outbreaks, this study showed that the current outbreak of clade Ib in South Kivu of DRC was driven by (hetero)sextual contacts with professional sex workers, which was supported by their data. This study should be valuable to the policy makers alike in particular and the public in general. I only have some minor concerns or suggestions.

The authors used sequencing data to identify clusters and suggested isolation among different clusters. It is helpful if the distribution of cluster size, duration (generations), and timing of the index case for each cluster can be summarized in a table. How does the size of cluster relate to the epidemiological features such as population density, number of professional sex workers?

The information about the sexual contact network should be provided for better understanding of the role of sexual contact. Was there any evidence for homo-sexual transmission? Among 670 cases, 104 are children under 15 years of age. How did they get infected?

Seven people died of mpox infection. Was there other information about the severity of mpox Ib infection such as the ICU rate, the length of hospital stay?

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The manuscript provides valuable data on Clade Ib, but would benefit from more detailed analysis of cluster sizes.I am so grateful cookie clicker unblocked that you shared this article.

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