A collection of new and timely preprints, RR:C19 reviews, and commentary around Emerging Variants.
RR:C19 recognizes the importance of keeping researchers, policy makers, and the public informed of the most late-breaking information and the public discourse around emerging variants. On this page, we curate scientific information of public interest by offering content from the RR:C19 editorial team and leading experts, links to RR:C19 reviewed preprints and current preprints under review. We hope this site will serve as both an educational resource and a forum to generate broader public discussion.
Why are Variants an important COVID-19 topic? In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, basic research efforts rapidly generated foundational knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenicity, while pandemic response efforts established technological infrastructure to track and understand emerging viral variants. In doing so, the COVID-19 research community has come to better understand the functional consequences certain mutations may have for transmission prevalence, disease severity, and vaccine efficacy. Knowledge from these efforts has raised concerns COVID-19 persistence and introduction of new COVID-19 treatment options, such as vaccines, could give rise to new, more dangerous variants. Consensus identifying variants-of-concern (VOCs) are challenged by the wealth of information currently available and poor communication between researchers and the public. |
RR:C19 scours and assesses preprint servers every week of the year. This is an updated list of what we are seeing.
Preprints that RR:C19 has identified as important for current discussion, that RR:C19 have solicited peer reviews for.